
Scabies Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Scabies is a contagious disease of the skin so we have to know the symptoms, treatments, and the prevention of scabies. Scabies is caused by infiltration of tiny mites into the outer layer of skin which will cause a very itchy skin rash and can cause scabs. The little mites are so small and cannot visible with regular eye vision. Scabies symptoms will not manifest until a few weeks because it takes time for scabies mites to burrow into your skin and deposit larvae which both lead to irritation. As long as the mites are already living on your skin, you are infectious.

Scabies Symptoms Treatment and Prevention

Causes of Scabies

The cause of this contagious disease is the Sarcoptes scabiei mite. The mites will dig a tunnel in the skin to nest under the outer layer of skin. The area around the nest then will feel very itchy especially at night when the body temperature is warmer as the result, form a rash. The itchiness is caused by the body's allergic reaction to protein and fecal mites. The symptoms of itching can still be left until a certain time even if the mites are destroyed.

Symptoms of Scabies

Below are some of the common symptoms of scabies. Keep in mind, before the symptoms develop and as long as the mites are already living in the skin, you are infectious and can spread scabies even before you know you have this infestation.
  • Severe and intense itching
  • Rashes
  • Burrows
  • Worsened pre-existing skin condition
  • The thick crust on the skin

Treatment of Scabies

This mite is resistant to warm water and soap so it cannot be eradicated even the patient has been rubbing the body until clean when bathing. A patient needs medical treatment. Conventional physicians would likely prescribe pharmaceutical topical or oral medications to treat scabies. Permethrin, Lindane, and Crotamiton are the example of topical medicines for scabies. In addition, Ivermectin is oral medicines for scabies.

To overcome the itching caused by scabies, the doctors also sometimes provide some other medicines such as Slight steroid cream, Cream or gel menthol, and Oral Antihistamines. However, these medications may pose certain health risks as they are usually made with potentially toxic chemical ingredients. Fortunately, there are holistic treatment methods for scabies that will not put your health at risk of using essential oils.

  • Use tea tree oil. It contains terpinene-4-ol, a compound that helps kill scabies mites. Mix a tablespoon of tea tree oil and olive oil then dab to the affected area using a cotton ball twice a day for two to three weeks.
  • Try turmeric. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help relieve scabies symptoms. Make a thick paste by mixing a tablespoon of turmeric powder and a few drops of lemon juice and water. Apply this to the affected skin and leave it on for about an hour. Do this once a day.
  • Cayenne pepper. Cayenne kills parasites and helps with pain associated when used topically. Add a cup cayenne pepper to the hot bath water and soak in it until it becomes cold or makes cayenne pepper cream by mixing it with a drop or two of water and applying it onto the affected areas.
  • Leaves and neem oil. It prevents scabies mites from reproducing. Massage neem oil directly on the affected area or Boil some neem leaves in a cup of water then drink one tablespoon three or four times a day.
  • Rub some clove oil. Combine 10 drops of clove oil with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Rosemary oil may help stop the infestation.
  • Pure lavender oil can promote skin cell regeneration.
  • Make a white vinegar and water solution. It changes the pH level of the skin which kills off the mites.

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