5 Common Sudden Strange Dog Behavior Symptoms
When we think of dogs, we tend to
imagine a happy, goofy companion that loves to play and, most of all, loves to
be sat right by our side. A running joke in the dog-parent community is the
fact that our pooches absolutely lack personal space and usually, it is
impossible to even go to the bathroom in peace.
What most people don’t
realize—and that includes some dog owners—is that our canine companions can
experience emotional issues like stress, anxiety, and, in the worst cases,
depression. What’s more, because the powers that be failed to give dogs the
ability to talk, the only way they can get our attention to alert us that
something is wrong, is by acting out in some very strange ways.
Why Do Dogs Start Behaving Strangely Overnight?
Because our dogs can’t talk to
us, we often don’t notice something is wrong until the issue has become so bad
that all they can focus on is getting our attention to notice the visual cues
that they are providing us with. More often than not, if your dog’s behavior is
normal and he is in otherwise good health, a sudden change in behavior could be
as simple as he doesn’t like the latest dog food he has been given or it could
indicate that your pup is experiencing stress and/or anxiety. And here’s the
thing about anxiety—we can’t control it and most of the time and we have no
idea where it comes from.
The same is true for our dogs when they start feelinganxious as a result of being left on their own for extended periods of time or
due to a lack of exercise or a change in environment. So, it’s not that they
have suddenly become anxious, or unwell; it’s more a case of their symptoms
have become severe enough for them to seek help by getting our attention, or
they could also be self-soothing by using bizarre behavior as a coping mechanism.
If you notice any of the
following strange behaviors in your dog, then they are sending you a signal
that something is awry and you should take action right away to stop the
problem worsening.
Your Dog Seems to Be Unable to Focus
If your seemingly intelligent dog
starts randomly distracting himself and is unable to focus on one task (like a
game of fetch) he could be trying to release pent-up stress. A common
displacement behavior is one that involves your pup pacing and obsessively
sniffing the ground, or compulsively licking his paws.
If you notice that your
dog is suddenly acting out in this way, then it is likely he is suffering from
a bout of anxiety. At this stage, you should make a mental note of any poignant
changes that have taken place with regards to your dog’s routine or living
environment and try to restore normality as best as possible.
Obsessive Compulsive Behavior
As dog parents, we have all
awoken to the dreaded sound of glopping: the sound that your dog makes early in
the morning when he licks his paws or yawns. This is one of the traits of our
beloved pooch that makes us love him even more, but sometimes a pet will
obsessively scratch himself or pace around as he is struggling to deal with
This is often the result of an impending event like fireworks or you
are taking a trip away. (Trust me, they just know!) The problem is this kind of
behavior can actually end up being quite harmful to your dog, especially if
they are scratching themselves redraw.
They Suddenly Forget Where to Go Potty
A common sign of stress or
anxiety in dogs is peeing in the house in a particular spot, even though they
are completely housebroken. This is a major warning sign that something isn’t
right and if you notice that your dog pees in the same place every time you
leave them alone, it is a clear indication of separation anxiety.
Please note:
this is not the same as incontinence. If your dog isn’t capable of controlling
their bladder at all, then you need to visit your vet ASAP as it could be the
start of a serious disease.
Clingy Behavior
Some dogs need their own space
while others love to be cuddled close with you at all times. This is one of
their loveable traits, as we rely on our dogs for reassurance and affection as
much as they do us. But, if your dog has suddenly become super clingy and
whiney when he can’t hop onto your lap, or if you go outside and leave him
closed in the house for a minute, then this indicates a problem that needs to
be addressed. Pandering to a dog’s negative behavior is only going to reinforce
and worsen the issue, not improve it.
If your otherwise docile pet
suddenly becomes aggressive, then this could be an indication that he is in
pain. Your first step should be to take him to the vet to rule out any serious
injuries and if the behavior continues, but your dog isn’t sick then it is
likely that the aggression is fear based and could stem from anxiety.
There are many other strange
behaviors that can indicate stress or anxiety, but the above ones are not as
common as others and therefore are easily missed.
How to Overcome These Issues
Now that you understand where
your dog’s bizarre behaviors are potentially coming from, it’s time to make a
decision about what steps you are going to take to correct the problem. It is
worth noting that a combination of tactics to alleviate stress and anxiety work
better than one sole method, so you should always ensure that your dog is
getting enough exercise and is eating a balanced diet.
CBD oil is an excellent natural
remedy that has powerful healing properties when it comes to treating issues
like pain or anxiety. There is already a substantial amount of evidence that
shows it is capable of alleviating a range of negative symptoms. Thanks to
medical research and its increasing popularity as an alternative medicine means
that we can only expect more positive news with regards to its therapeutic
potential in the coming years.
Many dog owners are now choosing to treat
anxiety in dogs with CBD oil, as it is entirely plant-based and it offers a
wealth of benefits including anti-inflammatory properties. With New Year’s Eve
just behind us, CBD oil was flying off the shelves in the lead up to the
fireworks displays taking place nationwide and dog owners who would usually
spend their evening worried about their dog’s anxiety-fueled behavior were able
to enjoy their evening alongside their pooches who weren’t fussed about all the
noise and commotion, thanks to CBD oil. Many mainstream veterinarians are now
advocating the use of CBD to treat a range of canine ailments, the primary one
being anxiety.
Crate Training
If your dog has suddenly started
chewing or destroying things around the house, then you could consider crate
training. When done properly, it offers your dog a safe haven where they can go
to seek respite from their stress and it will also stop them from engaging in
destructive behavior that could harm them.
Behavioral Training
If you feel that your dog’s
anxiety or strange behavior is getting out of control, then it might be time to
consult a behavioral therapist. Dogs are pack animals and they need to see you
as their pack leader in order to listen and obey you when you tell them to stop
baring their teeth or chewing up your favorite pair of shoes!
As always, before you take
matters into your own hands, always try to seek professional advice on what you
can do to eliminate your dog’s negative behavior.
This article by Jennifer is
originally published at FOMO Bones.
Author bio: Jennifer is the voice
behind the FOMO Bones blog. She's pretty sure in her past life, she was a Great
Dane. However, we peg her as more of a labrador. Regardless of her breed, she's
a dog enthusiast who has 15 years experience training dogs and owners.