
Measles Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Measles is a viral infection characterized by the appearance of a rash throughout the body and is very contagious. This disease can be very annoying and leads to more serious complications. The measles symptoms begin to appear about one to two weeks after the virus enters the body.

Measles Symptoms

Measles Causes

As we know, measles is caused by a viral infection. For people with measles, the measles virus is in a splash of fluid that released when they sneeze and cough. The measles virus will infect anyone who inhales this liquid splash. The measles virus can survive on the surface for several hours and can survive to stick to other objects.

When we touch an object that has been exposed to a measles virus and then put a hand to the nose or mouth, we can become infected. This disease often affects toddlers. But basically, everyone can be infected with this virus, especially those who have never been exposed to measles or who have not received measles vaccination.

Measles Symptoms

The appearance of the initial measles symptoms occurs about one to two weeks after contracting the virus. These measles symptoms will disappear approximately two weeks later. The initial symptoms that will be experienced by measles sufferers are:
  • Eyes red, swollen, and sensitive to light
  • Cold-like signs (a sore throat, dry cough, and runny nose)
  • Small patches of grayish white in the mouth and throat
  • High fever
  • Limp and tired
  • Pain
  • Not excited and lose your appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Throws up

The measles rash appears no later than four days after the first symptoms appear, and lasts about seven days. Initially, it will appear from behind the ear and then spread to the head and neck, until finally throughout the body. The spots that are small in size will grow rapidly until finally, they blend together.

Measles Treatment

The human immune system will naturally fight measles virus infection. There are no special medications to treat measles. The condition of the patient will usually improve without special treatment within one to two weeks. There are several ways that can help the body fight against measles virus, including:

Measles treatment

Increase Liquid Intake

Give plenty of drinking water to children to avoid dehydration. Water consumption can also relieve an itchy throat caused by coughing. Remember that when the body is in a fever, the need for fluids increases.

Controlling Fever and Reducing Pain

Generally, for adults who experience fever and pain, consumption of paracetamol or ibuprofen can be done. You can also provide paracetamol in liquid form for your child.

Medicines When and After Measles Attacks

Medications such as Vitamin A and antibiotics may be prescribed by a doctor after symptoms appear. In addition, the choice of measles vaccination is also available. Talk to your doctor to find out the right treatment for you or your child.

Overcoming the Eye Pain

Use a cotton cloth that is soaked in water to clean eye dirt during measles infection. The eyes of people with measles will become more sensitive to light.

Treating Other Measles Symptoms

There are likely to appear similar symptoms such as a runny nose or a cough. You can consume hot drinks to relieve these symptoms. In addition, you can do steam inhalation therapy. For children, you can bathe with warm water.


Measles is a viral infection characterized by the appearance of a rash throughout the body and is very contagious. The measles symptoms begin to appear about one to two weeks after the virus enters the body. Actually, there is no special treatment because the human immune system will naturally fight measles virus infection.

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