
Strep Throat Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Strep throat is a contagious infection and occurs due to bacterial or viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Here, we will inform the strep throat causes, symptoms, and treatment. The disease is generally more common in young children and adolescents that can be passed from one person to another via close contact. If you are experiencing throat pain, difficulty swallowing, swollen tonsils, lymph nodes, and fever, you might already have a case of strep throat. Then, immediately go to the doctor for the examination.

Strep Throat Causes Symptoms and Treatment
Strep Throat

Strep Throat Causes

Strep throat occurs because of an infection from Group A Streptococcus (GAS) bacteria. Group A Streptococcus bacteria responsible for strep throat are usually found in the throat or on the skin. The infections usually cause inflammation of the tonsils on the right and left the side of the throat (tonsillitis) and at the back of the throat (pharyngitis). The bacterial infection is contagious and can be transferred from one person to another through close contact with saliva or nasal secretions from an infected person, usually in the form of airborne respiratory droplets.

Strep Throat Symptoms

There are many symptoms of strep throat, typically developing within five days of exposure to the bacterial infection. The severity of these symptoms varies from person-to-person. It can also be accompanied by symptoms that refer to infection such as:
  • Muscle and Body Aches
  • A cough
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fever and sometimes chills
  • A sore, red throat with patches
  • Swollen and red tonsils
  • Tiny, red spots in the area behind the roof of the mouth
  • A headache
  • Fatigue and loss of appetite
  • Rashes
  • Trouble swallowing
It is important to know that some of the mentioned symptoms are not limited only to strep throat but can be signs of other viral infections or illnesses as well. You can begin treatment for pains using safe and natural methods.

Strep Throat Treatment

Strep throat can be treated and the conventional method that commonly used for this disease is antibiotics. The following are some tips and medications that can help to relieve the symptoms.

First Aid to Treat Strep Throat

You are advised to do the following ways if you have a sore throat.
  • Consume warm drinks and soft foods
  • Avoid smoking or inhaling cigarette smoke
  • Gargling with salt water or antiseptic mouthwash
  • Expand drinking water
  • Enough rest
  • Avoid drinks that are too hot or too cold because they can cause irritation

Use Painkiller Medicines

Analgesics or painkillers such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, and acetaminophen are generally recommended for treating strep throats especially if accompanied by fever and occur in children to relieve the pain. Do not forget always read the instructions for using the medicines so as not to overdose.

Use Antibiotics

Antibiotics are given generally in a sore throat caused by bacteria. Every antibiotic prescribed by a doctor should be spent even though the symptoms of a sore throat have improved. This is done to prevent infection spread to other parts of the body which can aggravate the patient's condition.

Natural Treatment

The following treatments do not have the negative side effect.
  • Drink warm liquids such as lemon water and tea
  • Drink cold liquids to numb the throat
  • Use wild cherry bark lozenges
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of Himalayan salt to 1 cup of water, and gargle the mixture
  • Turn on a cool-mist humidifier

Natural Painkillers

Natural pain relievers are also reliable that inexpensive and no harmful side effects.
  • Boswellia. This herb has anti-inflammatory ingredients.
  • Ginger. This herb treats pain, settles the stomach, and boasts of anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Bromelain. This enzyme which has anti-inflammatory properties is found in pineapples.

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