
What Causes Shingles, Symptoms, and Treatment

Some people think shingles as a dangerous health condition especially for children, so it is really important to know what causes shingles, the symptoms, and the treatment. Shingles actually are not life-threatening. Shingles is a type of skin disease which caused by Varicella Zoster Virus. Actually, this disease is the second stage after a person has chickenpox. The first sign of shingles is unilateral tingling, itching, or stabbing pain in your skin or on one side of your face and body. In general, shingles attack the people who have a weak immune system such as the elderly and other illness sufferers such as Aids, Leukemia, Lupus and other diseases.

What Causes Shingles Symptoms and Treatment

Shingles Causes

One of the causes is the direct contact physically with the patient. Shingles are not only just transmitted through direct contact but also transmitted through the breathing. Here are some factors can cause shingles.
  • The immune system has weakened like the elderly people
  • The number of white blood cells decreases
  • The chickenpox disease is getting worse turning into shingles
  • The innate factor of birth
  • Not getting vaccinated when still a toddler
  • People with HIV or AIDS previously
  • People who affect Leukemia

Shingles Symptoms

In general, there are several symptoms that can show a person affected by shingles. The following are the symptoms of shingles.
  • When the virus is already active, the patient will feel stabbing pain and be burning in the back and face
  • Blistering skin rash on your skin
  • The skin becomes more sensitive
  • Have a high fever
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Tingling and itching

Shingles Treatments

There is no cure for shingles, but treatment can help ease the symptoms until the condition improves. Normally, the physicians prescribe drugs to help treat shingles outbreaks, but oftentimes the medications are followed by adverse effects. Natural strategies for applying honey to the affected area have proven to be effective against shingles. Here are other treatments for those who have already been exposed to the shingles.


If you develop the shingles rash, there are a number of things you can do to help relieve your symptoms.
  • Keeping the rash as clean and dry as possible
  • Wearing loose-fitting clothing
  • Not using topical (rub-on) antibiotics or adhesive dressings such as plasters
  • Using a non-adherent dressing
  • Using calamine lotion that has a soothing, cooling effect on the skin and can be used to relieve the itching
  • A cool compress to help soothe the skin and keep blisters clean

Antiviral Medication

Antiviral medicines include aciclovir, valaciclovir, and famciclovir. Antiviral medicines are most effective when taken within 72 hours of your rash appearing. These medications cannot kill the shingles virus but can help stop it multiplying.
  • Reduce the severity of your shingles
  • Reduce how long the shingles last
  • Prevent complications of shingles

Painkilling Medication

Painkilling Medication is to ease the pain caused by shingles.  The following are some of the main medications used to relieve pain associated with shingles.
  • Paracetamol. The most commonly used painkiller is paracetamol. Make sure the medicine is suitable and taking the correct dose.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is re an alternative type of painkilling medicine that available without a prescription.
  • Opioids. This is a stronger type of painkiller sometimes prescribed alongside paracetamol.
  • Antidepressants. These medications are commonly used to treat depression, but they have also proven to be useful in relieving nerve pain, such as the pain associated with shingles.
  • Anticonvulsants. Gabapentin and pregabalin are the most commonly prescribed anticonvulsants for shingles pain.

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